We’re on a mission to nurture you.Here’s why—when you feel your best, you unapologetically radiate that power and love to those around you—especially to your children, whether they’re little or not so little. This insight is what inspired our founder Hope to take care of herself and her then-pregnant body by making her own stretch mark salve. Other mothers quickly took notice of her self-caring impulse and beautiful creations and for good reason. Hope wasn’t all talk. She took action and created something that represented her highest belief.To be your best as a mother, you have to take care of yourself first.Feeling confident and strong in your own body helps you grow and feel centered enough to care for another life. So when Hope couldn’t find a quality product to help prevent stretch marks, she started experimenting at home and crafting what is now MUTHA™ Body Butter. She turned a personal obsession into a product that simply works, is beloved by herself, her friends (and, hopefully, by you, too) and supports global nonprofits that aid in maternal health.